There is a 37% gender pay gap for theatre freelancers.

Theatre companies and producers can be part of the solution by hiring more female and non-binary talent - we’re out here! This platform is your new go-to space to find actors, playwrights, directors, stage crew and more. Filter through the tags and find to discover talent at every career level, and you can search any keyword to find more customised results.

(Profiles open in a random order each time to make sure everyone has an equal chance of being seen.)

Welcome to Scotland’s feminist theatre database

The F-Bomb Talent Database is a FREE platform for all theatre folk in Scotland who are women or of marginalised genders.

We wanted to create a space for anyone to showcase their work and be seen. There are no fees and you don’t need a certain level of paid experience either (we know how hard that is to come by especially for marginalised artists).

There’s a lot of ambiguity when it comes to how we identify as theatre professionals! Here is a quick run-down of the different levels, which will help employers and collaborators find the right talent for their project. This is just a guide, as everyone’s journey looks different.

Emerging: Little to no professional experience. You may be just out of school or uni, coming to theatre as a career change, have experience in am-dram or scratch nights.

Early-career: You’ve played a key role in at least one full production outside the scratch circuit. You consider yourself to be a theatre professional, but do not make a substantial income from theatre yet.

Mid-career: You have years of experience as a paid theatre professional and make a substantial income from theatre work.

Established: You have many years of paid work under your belt, make a liveable income from theatre freelancing, and are well-known in the Scottish theatre scene.

Understanding the career levels